Don’t suffer with heel pain, we can help you! Make an appointment today.
Heel pain is the most common foot complaint that our Podiatrists treat at the clinic. In most instances the pain is caused by Plantar Fasciitis or Heel Spurs. Some of the contributing factors for heel pain involve: long hours of standing, inappropriate footwear, flat feet, over-pronation and high arches.
Plantar fasciitis in particular, is often associated with pain along the plantar arch and also at the bottom of the heel region of the foot. There are plenty of treatment options for Plantar Fasciitis, all of which our Podiatrists have extensive experience in.
If you have heel pain, you may need orthotics? Contact us today to make an appointment.

Are your ankles causing you pain? Come in today to get your ankle examined.
The ankle and its associated structures are very complex and have a pivotal role in every step we take. Problems with the ankle can be very debilitating and have a significant impact on ones ability to walk, work or run.
Common ankle conditions that we treat:
- Ankle Joint Arthritis
- Tibialis Posterior Tendon Dysfunction
- Achilles Tendinosis
- Ankle Instability
- Sprained Ankles
- Ligament Damage
- Ankle Impingements
- Sinus Tarsi Syndrome
If you have ankle pain, contact us today to make an appointment.
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We can help your reduce your joint pain.
Arthritis is very painful and debilitating and affects many joints of the lower limb. Arthritic joints are often painful, inflamed & stiff. Arthritis can lead to cartilage damage, joint weakness, instability and deformities, and can reduce a joints ability to function normally.
Common forms of Arthritis that we treat:
- Osteoarthritis
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Gout
- Ankylosing Spondylitis
- Juvenile Arthritis
- Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (Lupus)
If you suffer from foot related arthritis, contact us today to make an appointment.
For more information of Arthritis, click here: www.arthritisaustralia.com.au
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Make your forefoot pain a thing of the past!
The forefoot encompasses a number of important foot structures and a variety of small joints, bones, ligaments and nerves. During walking or running, these structures are constantly being squashed, squeezed and pulled, in order to get you from A to B. Therefore, when they become painful, it can make walking and running very difficult. As Podiatrists, we have extensive experience in dealing with forefoot issues because we treat it everyday!
Common forefoot issues that we treat:
- Hallux Valgus (Bunions)
- Morton’s Neuroma
- Inter-Metatarsal Bursitis
- Stress Fractures
- Osteoarthritis
- Plantar Plate Pathology
- Digital Deformities (Hammer, Claw & Mallet Toe)
- Metatarsalgia
If you have forefoot pain, contact us today to make an appointment.
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We can help stop your Ingrown Toenail pain! Call us today.
Ingrown Toenails (also known as Onychocryptosis) are one of the most common foot complaints. Ingrown Toenails, occur when the nail plate aggravates the surrounding nail fold or skin. They can cause intense pain, redness, swelling and can lead to infection.
The great (big) toe is the most common site for Ingrown Toenails, however they can occur on any of the toes. Some of the more common causes for Ingrown Toenails to develop are: trauma or injury to the nail; the structural shape of the nail; poor cutting technique; digital deformities and ill-fitting footwear.
Paul is also the Director & Principal Podiatrist of the Ingrown Toenail Group. Please see our website for more details: www.ingrowntoenailgroup.com.au
If you have Ingrown Toenails, we can help you. Contact us today to make an appointment.
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Prolotherapy! What is it and how can it help you?
Prolotherapy is an injection technique that is designed to stimulate healing in injured parts of your body that may be slow to heal or may not have healed completely. It is used to treat sprained ligaments, strained tendons and damaged cartilage. This means that it can be applied to chronic heel pain (Plantar Fasciitis sometimes called Heel Spur Syndrome), Sprained Ankles, Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome (Shin Splints), Achilles Tendon Strains and Tendinopathies (a chronic degeneration of the tendon). Prolotherapy can also reduce inflammation in painful Bursae and Neuromas in the foot.
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Do you have painful feet? You may need orthotics!
The structure of your feet, play an important role in determining how your feet work. For instance, if you have a flat foot, you may be more predisposed to developing particular foot conditions, such as Plantar Fasciitis. At the clinic, we use orthotics to assist in functionally re-aligning and altering the foot structure when you are walking or running.
If you have flat feet or high arch feet, you may need orthotics? Contact us today to make an appointment.
Diabetes can lead to a number of serious foot-related conditions. Some of the more common issues we encounter are: poor circulation (Peripheral Vascular Disease), reduced feeling of the feet (Peripheral Neuropathy), increased risk of infection, decreased healing ability of the skin, wounds/ulcerations and in more serious cases, amputation.
Podiatrists play a vital role in assessing, preventing, treating and educating those patients with Diabetes. It is important for people with Diabetes to see a Podiatrist for general foot care and education on the link between Diabetes and foot health.
Services commonly performed for Diabetic Foot Care at our clinic include:
- Diabetic Foot Assessment, Treatment & Management
- Arterial Examination (Doppler-Ankle Brachial Index)
- Neurological Assessment
- Orthotic Management
- General Foot Care
- Footwear Assessment
- Wound Management
- Patient Education
If you have Diabetes, you should be seen by a Podiatrist regularly. Call today to make an appointment.
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We have CAM boots onsite!
There are a variety of fractures that we treat at the clinic, but the most common we encounter are Metatarsal Fractures and Stress Fractures. Most Metatarsal Fractures are a result of an injury, such as a fall, whilst stress fractures occur over time when increased stress on a bone occurs over a period of time. Fractures are determined via plain film x-rays, CT or bone scans.
In most cases, we treat fractures with a CAM boot. We also put a plan into place once patients remove the boot, such as footwear recommendations and orthotic devices.
If you need a CAM boot, call today to make an appointment.
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Have you had your children’s feet assessed by a Podiatrist?
Children’s feet are frequently changing shape and size throughout their developmental years. Podiatrists play an important role in assessing, diagnosing, treating and monitoring children’s feet.
Our Podiatrists use a wide range of foot orthotics for young people, both prefabricated, semi-custom and customized orthotics. We have listed below a number of signs and symptoms that parents can use to determine whether their children require an appointment to be assessed by one of our Podiatrists.
We recommend that your child be seen by our Podiatrists if they:
- Regularly fall or trip over
- Complain of painful feet, legs or knees
- Have flat feet
- Have painful heels
- Don’t want to participate in activities due to tired feet or legs
Common Paediatric foot conditions, that we treat:
- Flat Feet
- In-toeing (Pigeon Toed)
- Heel Pain (Sever’s Disease)
- Ingrown Toenails
- Warts
- Assessment of children’s gait pattern
Don’t let painful feet stop you from doing what you love! Call us today.
Foot and ankle injuries during sports are very common among active individuals. We can help you get back to the sports you love. Don’t let painful feet keep you from doing what you enjoy. Our Podiatrists deal with many athletes with foot and ankle injuries, we also play a role in preventing sporting injuries.
Common sports injuries, that we treat:
- Inversion Ankle Trauma (Sprains)
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Forefoot stress fractures
- Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome (Shin Splints)
- Sesamoiditis
- Achilles Tendinopathy, Tendinosis, Tendinitis
- Peroneal Tendonitis
- Plantar Plate Pathology
If you have a sports injury, call us today to make an appointment.
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Experts in skin and nail care.
Our Podiatrists offer a full scope of podiatric medicine, including general foot care. Skin and nail conditions can cause significant pain and discomfort, for instance when Calluses or Corns are present. Other conditions such as Fungal Nail Infections and Tinea Pedis are also very common and can be diagnosed and treated by our Podiatrists. Our Podiatrists can also provide expert footwear recommendations, education & assessment for your feet.
Common dermatological problems treated at our clinic:
- Warts (conservative & surgical curettage available)
- Tinea Pedis
- Fungal Nail Infection (Onychomycosis)
- Ingrown Toenails
- Nail cutting
- Offloading pads
- Cracked heels
- Corn and Callus removal
If you need skin and nail care, call us today to make an appointment.
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Do you have foot pain at work? We can help.
Foot and Ankle injuries contribute to a large number of work place injuries in Australia. Our Podiatrists aim to develop preventative methods to reduce work place incidents and offer effective treatment options to help you return to work. Our Podiatrists can also provide on-site consultations & education seminars for companies.
Common therapies and services carried out for workplace injuries and by our Podiatrists include:
Common workplace related injuries treated at our clinic:
- Fracture Management (CAM walker)
- Footwear assessment and recommendations
- Post-Surgery Management
- Orthotics
- Gait Analysis
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Ingrown Toenail procedures, following trauma to the nail